CT: The Value Of Ignorance
So a long time ago, when I was in school, a professor called in this idiot girl who never, ever did the reading for class. I mean never. I'm pretty sure the professor liked to call on her just to point out to her that he knew she hadn't read anything. So the fifteen millionth time that he called on her and she said (in her best idiot voice), "I dunno...", he turned to the rest of the class and said:
"Never forget the critical value of ignorance."
Now, he was clearly mocking the girl, but I've never forgotten that moment. It rang true. There's something to be said about experiencing a movie with as little knowledge beforehand as possible.
I'm the kind that always wants to know as much about a movie as possible before I see it. I want to read interviews and examine every frame of a trailer. When Cabin In The Woods was about to come out, Rian Johnson (who directed Brick) tweeted that everyone should go see it knowing as little as possible, without even watching the trailer if you could. So I did it, and that was one of the best movie watching experiences of my life.
All this is to say that last night Little C and I went to see two very different horror movies and we tried to go in knowing as little as possible about them. And they were awesome. Goodnight Mommy is a German horror film about... Well okay I don't want to tell you what it's about because that's the whole point. But it was amazing and dark and weird in the best possible way.
Then we saw Crimson Peak, Guillermo Del Toro's new masterpiece. And even if you've seen the trailer for that one, it's even stranger and creepier than you probably imagine.
I would absolutely recommend going to see more movies without knowing much about them. I think it's a good way to see things that you might otherwise write off, and it also lets you experience a movie without any sort of preconceptions about it.
But also, go see both those movies. I'm probably not going to sleep for a week, but I couldn't be happier about it.
Happy watching!
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