Movie Crush Monday: Little C and Mystery Men
Oh readers,
When I saw CT's post last week I got so excited because if Charlie Hunnam is involved it meant I could do Pacific Rim... And then I realized I already did that and I sat on the ground and pouted. Maturity is overrated.
So thank God for Claire Forlani who lead me to one of the all time greats in cult movies...
When I saw CT's post last week I got so excited because if Charlie Hunnam is involved it meant I could do Pacific Rim... And then I realized I already did that and I sat on the ground and pouted. Maturity is overrated.
So thank God for Claire Forlani who lead me to one of the all time greats in cult movies...
Mystery Men (1999)
The plot of this movie read so much like an off beat comic book that I am shocked that it got made into a major studio release. Resident superhero Captain Amazing intentionally releases a super villain so he can make himself look good and make more money, but it backfires and he gets captured. And then the city has to rely on the worst most difunctional B-Team set of heroes imaginable. Heroes with powers like throwing spoons or bowling balls, or turning invisible (but only when no one is watching).
Their costumes were perfect though...
The amazing cast is filled with people who managed to find a very difficult tone and nail it continuously. All my favorite people from Lena Olin and Eddie Izzard to Jeanne Garofalo are not only very talented comedians, but excel at being able to turn a scene dramatic at a moments notice. When you read lines from the script out of context, they're iffy at best and at worse corny and over done. But such is the power of a great cast being lead by a slightly weird director. Kinka Usher did some lighting jobs and a few other roles in film, but this is the only movie he ever directed. It's a little metaphorical if you tilt your head and squint at it really hard...
I haven't had a chance to rewatch this movie since I picked it, as this week has gotten away from me so fast that's it's almost impressive... So now I too will be searching for whichever of our six streaming services will provide me with this two hour journey into the weird. And I'm excited, dear readers, because at times like these when the world is being kind of a bitch we can all use an excuse to not take everything so seriously.
Happy watching,
Little C
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