Little C: Points for Originality

It's almost here, readers. The trailer is out, the showtimes are out, tickets are available for purchase. We've all been waiting for this moment for months. Or at least Christy and I have. You see tomorrow is the opening day of the Vin Diesel action/horror/masterpiece The Last Witch Hunter. Also it's the premier of Crimson Peak. CT and I are beside ourselves trying to figure out which one to see first. There are no losing options. But something happened as I gushed about this weekends wealth of happy cinematic-geekery to a coworker the other day. He wrinkled his nose and said "Why would you want to see either of those?" Such a shame he had to be a jerk about it. They'll never find his body.

I handed his sorry butt over to Jessica. She took care of it

Here's the thing, his issue with both movies was that "the plot looks stupid" which is at best a weak argument. What he probably meant was "The plot looks too fantastical for me." It's also a stupid argument but at least takes the problem away from these movies and places it squarely on his cynical and judgey shoulders. But even as CT and I try to figure out our weekend scheduling and whether we can fit in triple screenings of each, the internet and the people who fuel it are having similar reactions. And I have to ask: When did we stop seeing movies like this as the fun escapist rides that they are, and start expecting every action fantasy movie to be a perfect Oscar contender? Was it because of Lord of the Rings? GOD DAMNIT PETER JACKSON! THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!

But we can steal your hobbits. So there. 

CT and I get harassed by friends and family all the time about our unbridled affection for movies that tend not to do so well with critics and audiences. They ask us why we go to see these movies multiple times, and then buy the DVD, and have the poster hanging on our wall for months. They want to know what we see in these movies. And the answer is pretty simple...

Vin Diesel. The answer is Vin Diesel. 

The movies that always capture us and hold our attention have cool worlds that set their own rules and then follow through with them. They take time to be creative and indulge in the fantasy elements. They include interesting characters and striking visuals. And if they have all of this, we are willing to forgive a few sins in the realm of plot contrivances or easy story choices. Give us a well designed space ship or a really cool sword and like any true nerd we will fall deeply in love and defend our newest obsession to the death. Don't screw with a fandom, internet. We're God damn terrifying.

So my challenge to our readers is this, see something entirely original. And to keep an open mind. And if you cannot, and you value your life, don't bad mouth it to the people who do love it.

Stay Nerdy,
Little C


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