Remember when the new year started and we were like "we're going to be the best bloggers ever and never late or miss a post!"? Yeah that was a great thought. And it's going really well so far, right? Right?! Okay okay, here I am, a day late and a post short but we're moving right along, eh?
Okay so we are going to follow the handsome and charming Daniel Craig from Layer Cake to possibly his most charming and handsome character to date, James Bond! And if we're talking James Bond, and in particular Daniel Craig's James Bond, we need to start with Skyfall. I actually saw this film for the first time on a spectacularly bad first date but that's a story for another time. And I've seen it many, many times since then.
There are a handful of important things that any good Bond film needs. A fantastic villain, a killer theme song, a ridiculously convoluted (but somehow super fun) plot, and some amazing tech. And this movie has all of that in spades. Plus lots of extra fun and backstory and drama and gorgeous cinematography to boot!
The biggest critique I've heard of Skyfall is that the plot is convoluted and full of holes. And to those people, I say a resounding "WHO CARES?!?!?!". Who cares. Seriously, friends. The point of this movie is to watch Javier Bardem and his ridiculous hair torture James Bond through increasingly complex set ups. And he does it with so much relish, friends! He is chewing his way through every available piece of scenery and I am here for it. Plus, it becomes a really interesting look at the history between Bond, M, and MI-6. It builds out the world of the Bond franchise in a really cool way.
And you really can't talk about Skyfall without some discussion of the cinematography. Particularly the sections of the film that take place in Scotland are absolutely gorgeous. Roger Deakins is a legend in the field and he is showing off some of his best skills here. It elevates the film and makes the whole experience (even if you're on an awful first date) really, really enjoyable.
Last, we have to talk for a moment about Adele and the Skyfall theme song. Guys. Even if you listened to the song a gazillion times, do yourself a favor and go back and listen to it a few more times. I mean, come on. The girl is an icon for a reason.
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