Movie Crush Monday: Little C and Point Break

Hey guys. So, as I begin writing this we are T-minus 8 minutes to midnight and the odds of me being able to get the post written and the pictures added by the time midnight happens are slim. But I've been in Santa Monica since 10am and while it has been wonderful, it has also been exhausting. So I texted Christy with the promise that I would start my MCM post on Monday but couldn't promise it before early Tuesday. She agreed not to penalize my lateness, because she's a good person.

So Christy talked about The Hurt Locker, which won Katherine Bigelow the Oscar. I want to tell you about the movie that made me an eternal fan of hers. During the great Jeff Daniels tribute month of 2016, I was privileged to get to gush about my love for Speed, while also punning excessively. I also mentioned in a casual way how that movie was forever tied to my love for Point Break in that they both feature Keanu Reaves saving people while being painfully cool. But let's talk about how in Point Break, Keanu is outshined in coolness By Patrick Swayze.

So the plot (such as it is) is that Keanu is a new FBI agent who is trying to catch these bank robbers who dress up as ex presidents and hit several banks in Los Angeles every year. Wanna know how old this movie is. None of those presidents is Clinton. Or the first Bush. Feel old yet? Me too. Anyway, Keanu figures out that the bank robbers are probably surfers and starts trying to become a part of the local surf culture in order to catch the bad guys, the leader of whom is the aforementioned Mr. Swayze. After that the explanation of the plot usually devolves and includes things like "spiritual connections to nature" and "enlightenment through the waves." It's that kind of movie. 

For the sake of everyone, we are all going to pretend that there was never a remake made of this movie. There was a movie with the same name that came out a few years back, but no one watched it (except me, out of a sense of morbid curiousity). It was fine, but it lacked the weird but wonderful heart of the original. And it makes sense, because in the early 90s you could get away with having a movie that used an action sequence (like a skydiving jump or night surfing) to develop a relationship between the main characters but these days the style has changed and action sequences are just used as decoration. Which I think is a shame because it means that movies like this have sort of died out. 

Okay, we are officially into this being more of a Movie Crush Tuesday, and I'm exhausted so I am going to leave you with this: we are all feeling a little stress from the state of the world right now, and especially from the state of our country. There are going to be times when you need to take a break and spend some time thinking about something else, or really lettings your mind think about nothing at all. For those times, I find action movies to be particularly helpful. Let Patrick and Keanu do some incredibly dangerous things on your screen for a few hours while you regain the mental fortitude you need to push forward. 

Happy Watching,
Little C


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