Little C: Learning to Cook Food I Can't Even Pronounce
Readers, I'm trying to be a better adult. It's been a struggle that's been fought in many ways, but sometimes my least favorite is on the nutrition front. I can cook for myself, but especially with my weird work hours I much prefer to live like a college student and eat mostly pizza rolls and cereal.
When we moved into our current townhouse, we discovered that we have a really great Korean market just down the street from us. It should be a great resource, but for the fact that we are four very white girls from the middle of the country and we have no idea how to use half of the ingredients sold there. So for the most part we buy produce and rice.
But I discovered a Youtube channel (Because I am winning at the internet) run by this amazing woman who calls herself "Maangchi" which apparently means hammer in Korean. I love very single thing about this woman.
When we moved into our current townhouse, we discovered that we have a really great Korean market just down the street from us. It should be a great resource, but for the fact that we are four very white girls from the middle of the country and we have no idea how to use half of the ingredients sold there. So for the most part we buy produce and rice.
But I discovered a Youtube channel (Because I am winning at the internet) run by this amazing woman who calls herself "Maangchi" which apparently means hammer in Korean. I love very single thing about this woman.
Including her shirts. They're the best part.
Her videos are devoted to teaching you how to make different Korean recipes, step by step. She has a whole section devoted to how to make different types of Kimchi. She explains everything very patiently, which is really what I need if I'm going to make something I've never even tried before. I mean, I can make basics like cornbread or coffee or steak... Basically cowboy staples I'm good on. More nuanced dished intimidate the hell out of me. But this wacky lady with her tea-cup-print shirts seems to get that her audience is a little lost. Her enthusiasm is infectious. She just seems happy to be cooking.
So after just two videos of her instruction, I'm feelin bold. I'm feeling brave. But you better believe I'm not up to any of the recipes that involve the fermented baby shrimp... Some things will just take more getting used to...
You can find Maanchi's videos here.
Happy cooking,
Little C
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