Movie Crush Monday: CT & Good Night, And Good Luck

A happy Monday to you, readers! We're continuing our celebration of all things Jeff Daniels here at the blog with one of my favorite movies of all time: Good Night, And Good Luck.

This afternoon, Little C asked me which movie I was going to write about, and when I told her, she mocked me mercilessly. I mean, she also said, "Oooh, that's a good one," but also she mocked me. You see, I get a tad bit film nerd-y about this one. And let me tell you why:

I mean, will you look at that? The visuals in this film make my nerdy knees a little weak. When Good Night, And Good Luck came out, I was still in high school, and I couldn't wrap my head around why they would shoot a modern movie in black and white. It seemed boring, old-fashioned, and I was dreading seeing this movie. Forgive me, readers, I was young and I didn't understand.

Because shooting this movie in black and white was an INSPIRED decision by Clooney as a director. Not only does it make for a gorgeous, gorgeous film, but it only serves to show off the brilliance of the performances. And not just Jeff Daniels- David Strathairn, Robert Downey Jr., and George Clooney are at truly impressive career-bests here. I know that the McCarthy era is something that Hollywood still feels personally, and that passion shows through in every element of this film. Everyone is giving a thousand percent in the best possible way.

So don't be fooled like I was as a young CT. This movie is fresh, modern, beautiful. And an important story to hear again, especially in this political climate.

Happy Watching!

Also! A bit of shameless self-promotion:
Prove It!, our webseries, is coming out in ONE WEEK! Check out our trailer, and keep an eye on our social media for some sneak peeks as we come up on the premiere!


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