Little C:All By Myself

Hello Readers,
CT has abandoned me for two weeks so she can visit our family (especially our super cute great-nephew). Her little trip is at one super well timed, and a huge problem for me. She's missing a whole room switching fiasco, but also she's gone while I'm in a transition period at work. Having both my personal and professional lives in flux is making me a while new level of neurotic. Lucky Lex gets to deal with me during this... stressful time. Pray for her.

Also, in addition to everything else we don't currently have internet at the house. I have crippling insomnia, and the best cure I currently have for it is backlogged episodes of Iron Chef.  Which I can't watch. Because I have no internet. So I haven't slept well in four days. Lex might need therapy after this. Or a hug or something. Maybe she can set up some sort of donation fund.

So I'm planning to do what I always do in times of transition and stress. I'm gonna clean the bejeezus out of everything in my house. I bleached a bathroom I've only used once whole living here and I'm starting to give the baseboards the dude eye. Hey, they call it textbook for a reason. I have no control over most of my life, but I have Windex and just enough energy to get the rest of the Windows before I pass out from exhaustion... Also, and I say this with no trace of shame, we have an assortment of unicorns that could use a dusting.

Some day I could probably use a little help learning how to roll with changes in such a way that I both sleep and manage to leave surfaces of of my house un-wiped. Have fun with that hurdle, Future Therapist. In the mean time my creative output may suffer slightly as my attention is funneled into rearranging the furniture in the house.

Happy cleaning,
Little C


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