Movie Crush Monday: CT & Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Hello again readers! I have to say, I didn't think I'd ever actually do a Movie Crush post on this movie. It's not that it's a guilty pleasure, because there's nothing guilty about this. I freaking LOVE Scott Pilgrim. It's more that I haven't even really started my post and I can see Little C rolling her eyes from here. Because I don't think there's been a day since it came out that I haven't found a way to quote it.

Okay, okay, so let's back up a little bit. Last week Little C told you all about the indie classic A Bag Of Hammers. I spent the better part of the week looking through the cast and crew list, and there are SO MANY people I like in that movie. I really could have done a million different Movie Crush posts based on it. But then I saw it. Johnny Simmons. Young Neil himself. And I fought it readers, I really did, I tried to write about the other movies but it felt wrong. So let's just jump into the wonderful and crazy world of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.

The first thing we have to talk about, before I lose my mind in a ball of nerdy ecstasy is the world-building. Edgar Wright is the master of visual comedy and storytelling through editing, which I think made him the best possible person to adapt Bryan Lee O'Malley's graphic novel. He managed to work all of the cool visuals of a comic book universe into look of the film. It's such a unique viewing experience, which combines with the abrupt editing to make it really feel like you're watching the book come to life.

Alright, film theory stuff aside, this movie is just plain a hell of a lot of fun, and infinitely quotable. Like I said last year when we watched it for my birthday, I tend to quote along with the entire film. And then pronounce each line my "favorite in the whole movie". As I like to say to Little C, there's never a wrong time to quote Scott Pilgrim.

And then there's the performances. This movie managed to gather up almost all of my favorite actors and give them each something insanely fun to do. Chris Evans makes fun of himself with the most relish I've ever seen. Brandon Routh does that adorable little shimmy you see above. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is the most kickass that anyone has ever been.

Even Michael Cera, who I'm hit and miss on actually enjoying. I always think he comes off as a bit of a jerk, which actually is kind of perfect for him playing Scott. But he also does it with enough charm here that you can't help but root for this clueless, immature dude.

Ok so if you haven't seen Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World yet, do yourself a favor immediately. I'm contractually obligated to watch it every time I pass it when I'm flipping through channels, so I'm sure I'll see it a few more times before my birthday, when everyone in my life will patiently sit through it with me again.

Happy Watching!


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