CT: A Perfect Birthday

Hello Internet!

This week I celebrated my birthday (woohoo! birthdays!). And it turns out that it was something called my "golden birthday" because I turned 27 on the 27th, apparently a big deal. Which I didn't really know was a thing, and which seems intensely unfair to someone born on say, the 1st or the 3rd or something. Who wants a super special birthday thing to happen before you can even remember that it was special.

So to commemorate this extra special birthday, I decided to catch an extra nasty head cold. I've spent the vast majority of the week either dosing on cold meds, blowing my nose, or sleeping. I know how to party.

And yet, it's been one of my favorite birthday weeks ever.

The night of my actual birthday, we ordered in Thai food and watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, one of my hands down favorite movies of all time. Because it's a cinematic masterpiece. And because Ramona Flowers is my hair hero. My hair heroine? My hairoine? (I've had a lot of cold medicine today.)

And because it was my birthday my sisters and roommate were ever so patient as I quoted along to ever single line.
Best part of the movie. Or any movie, for that matter.
Since my birthday, I've basically been taking a lot of naps and trying to figure out how to sandpaper my sinuses. And writing, since we have a draft of our feature due next week and a handful of other projects that we just dove into. It might be my advancing age, but that's actually made for a kind of perfect birthday week for me.

So bring it on, 27. Let's do this thing! But first, perhaps another nap and a dose of Dayquill.

Much peace,


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