Little C Live Blogs Ant-Man

Hey guys, confession time. I completely missed Ant-Man when it was in theaters last year. Please don't take my Nerd Card. So CT and I are sitting down to fix that and I thought I'd let you guys take this journey with me. So put on the movie and follow along or just scroll through at my random thoughts.

Okay, first thought is that I really hope this gives me some context for Paul Rudd's part in Captain America: Civil War.

Oh Jesus, CT didn't tell me about the Peggy Carter cameo and now I'm crying. I MISS YOU PEGGY!!!

CT is in love with David Dastmalchian. He has like five lines in everything. In this he's playing a tech wizard with an unplaceable accent.

Not a great sign when the people at the building with your name on it have no idea who you are, Hank. Also your daughter is a stone cold fox. Stone cold.

Way to work the title of the film into the conversation organically, Corey Stoll. Wasn't awkwardly fit into your clearly evil monologue at all.

Did Corey Stoll just turn that guy into a piece of gum? What the fuck? Not cool, dude. And then he flushed him down the toilet. That's cold.

Michael Pena talking about his wine tasting was delightful. More of this please.

This break in scene is just Leverage-y enough that I really miss Parker and Hardison bantering while it happens.

Aw, cute lamb. It shall never stop screaming... And Corey Stoll turned the lamb into gum. Jesus wept, Corey. Find a better outlet for your aggression!

Yay you stole a suit and little viles or red liquid that definitely don't look lethal. So you're just gonna put on the weird costumey suit for the hell of it? You're bad at science.

I would suspect that I had stroked out and that weird voice talking to me was death, or God. Also "Trampled to death by giants at a rave" is how I'd like my Obituary to read.

"No sweetie, Daddy isn't a bad man. He's a fucking moron with impulse control issues. Also he talks to ants, so there's a therapy session or two for your future self."

So Michael Douglas is a little too into ants, right? Like maybe if he put the effort into his relationship with his kid that he does with these bugs he wouldn't be a John Winchester level Bad Father?

Hank's being kind of a bitch about The Avengers. He's also clearly not letting his daughter take on the hero role because she lacks a penis. Kinda hope he doesn't live through the movie. Yes your daughter is disappointed in you. Maybe it's your A+ parenting.

I will be finding a gif of Scott getting punched. I will be using it. Often.

The thing I'm having the most trouble with in the movie is the ant mind meld. There's no real reason why I'm fine with The Hulk and not this.


So Scott says the line "No you wouldn't have heard of me." and I interject with "I'm really underground." and now I'm laughing so much at my own joke that we had to pause the movie. I'm freakin hysterical. Get it? UNderground? Cuz he's an ant. And they live... SHUT UP IT'S COMEDY GOLD!

Scott's ex wife's new cop boyfriend is really cramping my style.

Great. Hydra is here. No villain party is complete until the Nazis show up. Now our party of sociopaths is truly complete.

Oh Balls. Hank got shot. Feel bad about routing for his death for most of the movie.

Feel way worse about his pet ant dying than I do about Hank. I may have joined the sociopath club. Hail Hyrda y'all!


Maybe if Scott got lasers Corey Stoll wouldn't be winning. We made him memorize like twelve species of ants, but no one thought to give him some damn lasers. He got some shrinky growy throwing stars that he can use to hit everything except the bad guy but not a single fucking laser. I'm massively disappointed is what I'm saying.

Well this movie took a turn for the experimental. WTF with the kaleidascope visuals?

I'm a little sad that Science-John Winchester didn't die. At least real John Winchester died for his kids.

Michael Pena is the best part of the whole movie.

Okay kids, that's a wrap for the live blog. I really enjoyed the movie and I feel bad that I missed it all these months. And Marvel, if you'd like any more perfectly times puns just give me a jingle. I'm happy to help.

Little C out.


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