Saturday Roundup: Little C Sucks At High Fives

We have fallen victim to the adorable Plague Beast that is our nephew this week so forgive the sparse posting. What we did while we were away this week-

...we watched the pilot of Snatch and became pretty instantly obsessed with it. Gorgeous cinematography plus fun story plus many people we love so we are completely onboard...
...Little C listened to the song Misery by Blink 182 approximately 1,000,000 times. It's going to be on the upcoming deluxe edition of California, and to be fair we did warn you that she was not going to shut up about it...

...Riverdale finally came back, filling a Cole Sprouse shaped hole in CT's heart...

...the trailer for the new film of Stephen King's IT dropped this week and broke all the viewing records. We are especially proud of this because our big sister was involved in the casting, so in essence she made the whole film work. At least that's how we've been telling it to people...

...Little C finally broke down and started reading The Left Hand of Darkness like her best friend has been bugging her to do since they were 14. It's amazing. She's plowing through it...

...CT started the TV show 13 Reason's Why, one of the new Netflix Originals. It's dark and sad but beautifully written and even better shot. Expect a blog post on that in the near future...

Happy Sunday!
Little C & CT


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