Movie Crush Monday: CT & Serenity

Readers, it's a glorious Movie Crush Monday and I might be the world's happiest nerd. Because, if you follow the amazing Alan Tudyk from Death At A Funeral, he leads you right down the road to nerd heaven. 

That's right, Joss Whedon's sci-fi masterpiece, Serenity

I don't think I can oversell the importance of this movie to me as a young nerd, but let me start with a confession. I never watched Firefly when it was on TV. I remember Little C ranting and raving about this show that she loved and why hadn't I watched it yet?? But I never got around to seeing it. So when they made the movie it was a huge moment of triumph for her, while I pretty much tagged along to see what the fuss was all about. 

And I was immediately obsessed. Even without the background that the show would have provided, the movie opened into this whole, fully developed world. A world that I'd never seen anything quite like. And even without the show, I cared deeply about these characters almost immediately. 

This is the kind of world-building and character-building that shapes our writing now. It's also the kind of writing that drew me to TV. I got home from seeing Serenity and raced to see the whole Firefly season. It's so sad that the show was cancelled, but they managed so much great writing in that season, and the movie wraps up the loose ends so well. 

But as much as I love the show, I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Serenity. Not only was it my introduction to the world, but it has such a wonderfully written plot. It manages to feel like an entire season fit inside a heist film. 

Like every other fan I know, I'd sell my car for another season of Firefly. And I get suckered into clicking on every single one of those stupid "Firefly Got Renewed!" headlines that comes up on my newsfeed. But here's the thing: I'm honestly perfectly content with things as Serenity ended them. It's a beautiful ending to the story, even as it keeps te world alive. 

Which is why Littleand I will very likely be rewatching Serenity over the holidays this year. Who's with us??! 

Happy watching! 


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