Little C: Scaring Ourselves

So tonight as we speak we are getting ready to watch IT with our big sister. It's a big deal because said sister was yhr Casting Associate and we are all very proud of her. If you've talked to us at all in the last few weeks you've heard us gush over her work. We're very proud.

But here's the thing,in a much smaller way this is a big deal because I am voluntarily sitting through a movie with a monster clown even though the miniserues gave me horrific nightmares when I was a kid. There is a very specific list of things I do not care for in my entertainment and they include plane crashes and demon clowns. But I'm going. Because it's important to face your fears sometimes.

I don't know when the switch flipped because I loved watching horror movies when I was in high school and college. Somewhere along the way movies stopped being about an idea that's scary and started being about how many things can jump out of the shadows. Turns out one type of being scared I am on board with and the other leaves me feeling tense and stabby... why this is so I'm not sure. But I don't enjoy it.

So wish me luck, cuz we all float down here...

Happy nightmares!
Little C


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