Readers, I'd like to formally apologize for our absences last week. I had the mother of all bad car weeks and CT generously stayed around to pick up the pieces because she's the angel of lost souls (or because she lives with me so she had to). In times of struggle such as these, there is a TV show I turn to that never fails to help me put my ass in gear and gets me believing in people again. I am of course referring to Leverage.
This show could not be more perfect for us if we had designed it by carefully compiling a list of all of our favorite things. Robin Hood narrative? Check. New heist and con every episode? Check. Aldis Hodge playing an uber nerd who casually drops doctor who references into casual conversation? Check check check. There is not a damn thing in the five seasons of this show that I do not adore from the bottom of my heart.
I forget sometimes until I put this show on intending to just have it in the background while I do other things, that this show is too damn engaging for that. I inevitably end up sitting down in front of it chanting "Hit him Eliot!" even after I've rewatched these episodes dozens of times. It's a testament to how well written this show and these characters are.
Also how good he looks punching things source |
When it came out way back in the days of sunny optimism that were 2009, a lot of people took issue with the shows tone and the fact that it focuses on corporate villains. They called it over the top. I will now allow the co-creator of the show to respond to this:
Happy Thieving!
Little C
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