CT: That Summertime Feeling
So as I write this, I'm sitting outside Dodger stadium getting ready for my first baseball game of the season and I have to say, it's pretty darn nice.
Not just because of the baseball, although there is something kinda special about the way people in LA love the Dodgers. It's somewhere between the baseball, and the fact that the weather skyrocketed into the 90s this week, and the big action blockbusters that are starting to come out.
It's that summertime feeling.
My friends that knew me in high school used to tease me about how drastically my mood improved during the summer. And it's true. I'm a sunshine and warm days kind of girl... Thus my moving from Wyoming to Los Angeles.
But even more than the weather, summertime as a kid meant freedom. My time was my own, and everything came with an adventure attached. Even when I started working during the summers, every free moment was spent running around with friends.
As an adult, even though I no longer have summers off, I've retained that love of summer. I usually kick it off with a trip home and you've never seen pretty until you've seen Wyoming and Colorado in the summertime. But even the average Tuesday will see me with my windows rolled down and blaring country music... driving home from a totally normal day at work.
So let's go see some baseball. And go watch some robots beat the hell out of each other. And go play in the park. And go on vacation.
Here's to some summa-summa-summatime!
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