Little C: Things We Don't Really Remember
Good morning all,
CT and I have just returned from our little Anaheim adventure, and though I did no actual running, I am exhausted. It was a non-stop weekend capped off with a day at Disney. And since I am no longer 8, that meant stopping after every other ride to inhale a coffee. Buzzfeed was right. I'm old.
CT and I have just returned from our little Anaheim adventure, and though I did no actual running, I am exhausted. It was a non-stop weekend capped off with a day at Disney. And since I am no longer 8, that meant stopping after every other ride to inhale a coffee. Buzzfeed was right. I'm old.
Amen, sister.
But as we started our Disneyland day, I was already a cup of coffee deep and ready to go. I was in exceptionally good spirits as we got in line for our first roller coaster, and decided to show it by starting a sing along of one of our favorites. And then this exchange happened.
Me: In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room. In the tiki tiki tiki tiki tiki room. All the birds sing words and the flowers bloom-
CT: Croon.
Me: Pardon?
CT: The flowers don't bloom. They croon.
Me: *Stunned silence while I look it up on my phone and realize a song that I've loved for two and a half decades, is one I never really knew*
I'm finding a lot of my cherished childhood memories are like that. There's the pristine perfect way that I remember, say for instance, the Power Rangers. And then there's the cheesy and poorly edited reality that I rediscover later. And while I'm not exactly begging to be transported back to a time when I could go across the monkey bars without my feet being able to touch the ground, it's disappointing to say the least.
I suppose that's part of the magic of childhood though. A 7 year old doesn't care if quality takes a small hit in order to give you a few more scenes of awesome kick-assery, or if they need to take a bigger leap of faith in order to go on a more magical journey. I'm not saying we should throw in the towel and let kids entertainment be the lowest form, but maybe we could all learn how to enjoy these big sci-fi or fantasy stories the way we did when we were young. Not everything is going to be on the hyper realistic level of Breaking Bad or Mad Men.
So I am going to make a solid effort this year, to not be so damn cynical and judgey when I watch or read something. To allow for small flaws as long as the overall effect of something is just as powerful. And to revisit a few things from my childhood with the goal of remembering why I loved them so much in the first place.
Little C
PS:I'd like to point out that my lyrics scan better. Bloom and room rhyme. Croon and room don't.
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