CT: Holiday Bingeing
'Tis the season of holiday bingeing, dear readers. In a few short weeks Little C and I will head to the cold wilderness we call home and proceed to eat many, many things prepared for us with love by our parents. Such is the song of our people (and by people I mean the other 20-somethings who live far away from home).
But it's not that kind of bingeing I want to talk to you all about today. Over the holidays we always have a little free time to read, watch movies, catch up on all those things you miss over the year. So I thought I'd put together a little list for you of what I plan to read and watch over the next few weeks, in between rounds of board games with the family. Or when someone has inevitably stormed away from the table in tears and we call a halt to games for the night. Not that that's ever happened. Aaaanyway...
1) The Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer
Holy cows and horses, guys. I like these books so much. I started the first one almost a year ago, got overwhelmed by it, and put it away. Then recently, I pulled it back out and blasted through it in record time. These books are deeply creepy, the kind of creepy that stays with you and keeps you up all night (hence me putting it down the first time). Right now I'm just starting the second book and I. Am. Hooked.
2) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
This show has hit its stride in the most beautiful way. And oh my goodness did you guys see that Midseason Finale? Shield has really become the show that all the other action/scifi/epics wish they were. I love the way these characters have built out over the years, and it's inspired me to start over from the beginning, just to savor all of those little moments of growth and complexity all over again.
3) Rogues- edited by George R. R. Martin
I love short stories, and I've wanted to read this book of them for a long time. It features a ton of my favorite authors. And thanks to my newfound ability to download library books to my Kindle (yes, thank you technology!), it's finally in my possession. I can't wait to jump into this.
4) Jessica Jones
Okay, yeah yeah yeah, this is a little bit cheating because Little C and I have already watched about half of it. But man oh man it's so good that I had to include it. I've never really been a fan of Krysten Ritter, but she has knocked my socks off as Jessica Jones. And no one has ever done creepy better than David Tennant. Even if it does make my memories of the Doctor a little sad.
What have you guys been bingeing?
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