Little C: Halfway Out of the Dark

Dear Readers,
The Holidays are fast approaching us, and that is my current excuse for forgetting my blog post. My word is "Ephemeral" which means something that lasts for a very short time. You could say that the Holiday season is ephemeral (1). I wouldn't but, you know, people could say that.

This is what I feel like most years

My favorite way of looking at this time of year I got from a Doctor Who episode (Yes I'm a nerd but hang with me). They call it "Halfway out of the dark" which I love for a lot of reasons. This time of year is overwhelming and stressful but there's a comfort to knowing that once we get through it life will, by degrees get easier with each passing day. There's an ephemeral (2) nature to life at this time of year, all the more noticeable when days are so short.

Speaking of Doctor Who, (Which I usually am) this is the only time of year that really gets it's own type of TV and radio. Christmas and holiday TV has an ephemeral (3) nature that we become infatuated with. It causes us to categorize movies like Die Hard as "holiday" because it's set at a Christmas party. I get it, and I would much rather watch Die Hard than most actual Christmas movies, but the themes required for holiday programming are a little lacking in John McClane's take down of the German terrorists. I've even started hearing Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah played as a "holiday song". Because nothing says Yay for Baby Jesus quite like the lyrics "Maybe there's a God above but all I ever learned from love is how to shoot somebody who out drew you." 

Hermione would also like you to stop calling Harry Potter "Christmas themed"

Maybe we get so fascinated by this time of year because of how ephemeral (4) it seems. It's easy to take a season for granted when it lasts for months and months, but Christmas (when celebrated properly) is four short weeks that only leads into the long and frigid months of January and February. Unless you, for instance, moved to Southern California. Then January and February are pretty mild. 

So here's to the fleeting ephemeralness (5) of the next two weeks. I hope you all have a peaceful and happy holiday. 

Little C


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