Movie Crush Monday: CT & The Prestige
Why hello there readers! It's Monday again, and that means it's time for us to talk about something we all love. Nerd movies! Last week Cait told you all about The Spirit, which is one of our favorite underrated movies. So this week I'm going to follow the fantastic Scarlet Johansson to one of my absolute favorites.
In my mind, Christopher Nolan's The Prestige is one of the most well-crafted films ever. The performances are amazing, the cinematography is stunning, and the direction is beautifully centered on a main vision. And all of that incredible skill is tied together by some of the tightest writing I've ever seen. I loved this film when I saw it in theaters, then I got the chance to study it in school and gained even more respect for it as we took it apart piece by piece.
So things get started with one hell of a cast. Seriously, this is one of those groups where everybody showed up to do work. Christian Bale is fantastic and juuuust a little bit crazy (in the best way). Hugh Jackman, Michael Kane, Rebecca Hall, the above-mentioned Scarlet... They're all outstanding actors in their own right, and the way they play off of each other is amazing to watch.
And then, THEN David Bowie shows up to play Nikola Tesla, in one of the most nerdtastic moments of all time. (Not to mention one of the coolest visual moments of the film.)
But here's the thing I really really love about The Prestige: it pays homage to the very beginnings of film and the idea of a movie as a magic trick. Lest I send Caitlin into film-history induced snoring, I'll just say that movies are all kind of magic tricks, and have always been, and it's truly brilliant the way that Nolan works that into the narrative of The Prestige. The writing and direction here are inspired.
Happy watching!
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