CT: Un-Comic-Con
It's that time of year again, y'all! Call the cosplayers and the nerd guys and the nerd gals young and old, because this is the time of the year that we geeks reign.
And for the first time in several years I'm. Not. There. That's right, this year Little C and I are sitting out Comic-Con. Things are a little crazy right now in our regular lives, and we just couldn't make it happen. I've been telling people for months that I'm totally cool with not going, that I'm actually looking forward to skipping out on the crowds and the craziness and the stress of it all. And boy oh boy did I turn out to be a gigantic liar because now the time has actually come and I'm sitting in our house, pouting.
(Don't get me wrong, I totally understand that this is probably the first-worldiest of all first-world problems. I see it. Let me feel my feelings, ok?)
So since absolutely everyone in the nerd-sphere that Little C and I love are all hanging out together this weekend, without us, I wanted to put together a small selection of the geek things I'm loving right now. The things that make my nerdy little heart purr, when all I want to do is sit in my dark bedroom throwing a pity party. So instead let's talk about:
The Magicians:
Cait has been talking about these books and pushing me to read them for months. Like almost a year. And once again, like every time, she was right on the money. I love them. It took me all of the first book and a good chunk of the second to totally get onboard but now I am hooked. I think I read the third book in about a day and a half. It's truly entertaining modern fantasy, with uniquely flawed characters at its core. And watching those characters try to grow up has been an amazing ride.
Plus, now it's a show on SyFy! I've been barreling through the first season and it's super super different from the books but I like it a lot! The cast is great and the writing is on point, but what else would you expect with the great Sera Gamble is involved??
The Musketeers (BBC):
This show is the swashbuckling adventure of my dreams. I can't even tell you how much I've wanted a show like this. Something that's fun without being stupid, something that's tense without losing its sense of fun. I've always loved the Musketeers story and this is an awesome retelling of it. I've gone major fangirl here, people. I'm shipping things right, left, and center (Artemis and Anne 4-evah). It's a freaking blast.
Don't listen to the haters, this movie is great. I don't have the love affair with the original that most people my age seem to have, and maybe that made it easier for me to fall in love with the reboot. Here's what I loved so much: it's a movie filled with badass women who love science and no one has to bring up the fact that they're all women. No one has to talk about their love lives or say anything about girl power. It just is. They're just the ones doing it, and it's like no one even thought about them needing a dude.
Also, Kate McKinnon. Aaaaallll the Kate McKinnon. She's my hero and I love her.
So who's at Comic Con this week? Who wants to tell me all about it so I feel like I was there?
Much love,
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