CT: Wide Open Spaces

Oh readers, here I am, writing a Friday post on Monday. Little C has, like some sort of benevolent God, let me off without a punishment word because we've just returned from a visit to our home state of Wyoming. 

In the last year I have finally started to develop a deep love for California and Los Angeles. There's a really unique culture here and you can't deny that Thai state is seriously beautiful. 

And yet. 

I mean, look at that. We hadn't been in Wyoming for ten minutes before I was gobsmacked by the beauty. I didn't even realize it at first but the tension in my shoulders dropped, and I was able to start to breathe deep. I need that space. LA is so cramped and crowded and I always forget how important that open space is to me. 

This observation, of course, prompted us to sing endless rounds of Dixie Chicks all week. 

Little C and I (and the various people with us) spent five days exploring all of the gorgeous areas of wilderness around our hometown. And every step felt more and more peaceful and healing. The trees, the rocks, the views- the sheer scale of nature there always makes me feel small and safe and protected. 

So after a long week in Wyoming, Little C and I are finally back in sunshine-y Los Angeles and slowly adjusting back to our real lives. She'll have her Movie Crush post up for you today (on time, since apparently she's the responsible sister). And then we'll be back on to all of our various projects. 

Much peace from hippie paradise,


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