CT: Gettin' Our Vote On

Disclaimer: Caitlin and I are intensely political, opinionated people. I'm sure that this is clear in our writing, because it's simply the place that we're standing and who we are is always going to show through in our work. However, we don't want 908 South to become a political place. This is where we get to sit and be nerds and talk about the movies and books and music that we love. We want this to be first and foremost a place for us to share our work with you, to share the things that we love, to share what we're freaking out about. So this kind of post is going to be rare, but it's something I feel strongly about and I decided that I needed to post it. 

So I've had some serious anxiety in the last couple of weeks. My mom, who's a psychiatrist, has told me that her patients are having legitimate panic attacks about the election, and I don't blame them. I'm right there with them, in fact. We might actually be on the doorstep of one of the most important political events of our lifetime.

As a human who was raised by seriously political humans, I have a bit of a crush on the ideals of democracy. We live in a country where the idea is that every citizen gets to be a part of our political process. We elect representatives who are then responsible for making choices and passing legislation on our behalf. And it's normal enough for us that we get to take it for granted.

The idea of getting to have a vote, to have a say in what our government does, is something that not everyone in the world has. And it's not something that we have always had. If you're a woman, or a person of color, there was a time not very long ago when you didn't get to have a say. Your view, your opinion, your voice didn't count. And because you didn't have a vote, you didn't have any part in what representatives were elected or what laws they passed. And now you do.

And here's the part that gets me. No matter who you are- man, woman, White, Black, Asian, ANYONE- there was a time when other people died to secure the right to vote for you. Even the white male settlers came to the new world and founded a new country where the concept of democracy protected our voice as citizens. Let that sink in. People died so that you could vote for the representative whose ideals most matches your own.

So here's my plea for everyone. Voting on Tuesday is important. Making an educated political choice on Tuesday is important. Learn about the issues that matter to you. Learn about the representatives (both the presidential candidates as well as the local ones) and what they choose and find one that makes the choices you would make. No candidate is ever going to be perfect, no one is going to match every ideal that you have, but find someone that you think would at least make the best decision for the most people. Go vote! Use your voice. Use the rights that people have died to give you. Hire someone awesome to lead us. The democratic process can be a beautiful thing if an informed electorate is making choices they believe in. So don't sit out of it just because getting informed is a lot of work. If anything is worth a little work, this is it.

If you're looking for Little C or I on Tuesday, we'll be the ones hiding under our beds and clutching our cats, praying for this horrible election cycle to finally be over.

Happy Friday!


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