CT: Cotton Candy Movies

Oh readers, it's been an absolutely exhausting week. I started a new job and while it's amazing and I love it, it means that I basically want to sleep every second that I'm not working. Except tonight. Tonight is Valerian night.

You see, what we love almost more than anything in the world is a big, flashy, summer popcorn movie. Popcorn as in what we like to eat while we watch and popcorn as in almost nothing to it. The rest of the year is chock full of deep, thinky movies that we love to pick apart piece by piece and talk about the meaning. Movies like Arrival and Hidden Figures and The Lobster. We love those.

But when the days get hot hot hot like the sun and the kids are running around the beaches here, we need some flash. Some special effects and exciting action. For days like these even the Marvel movies are too thinky (although we both deeply loved Spider-Man).

No one does this better than Luc Besson. When we picked the movie to go to tonight our older sister Coco said, "I heard it's really really pretty but there's not much plot." And we replied (in unison, because we're creepy like that), "Perfect."

It's not an ironic love. Sometimes these movies are shockingly good, like Jupiter Ascending was. Sometimes the design is enough to keep us buzzing for weeks after. But sometimes they're just stupid good fun and that's exactly what we want.

So pardon, but we have some ice cream to eat and then the prettiest, cotton candy colored fluff movie of all summer to go enjoy.

And Clive Owen. Yeah he's not an ugly fella.

Happy Summer!


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