Weekly Roundup: Hair Slicked Back and Sunglasses on Baby!
Oh readers, the tank tops are on, our freezer is stocked with frozen treats, and everything smells like sunscreen! Summer is in full swing and we cannot be bothered to keep up with any sort of schedules. We are in full beach bum mode everyone! We will see you at the pier for corndogs and lemonade!
...Caitlin is reading Batman Incorporated after a friend recommended it. It's a lot of fun and one of the lighter (sort of, still Batman after all) entries from writer Grant Morrison. She will definitely be recommending it to her friends who like comics and are asking for recommendations HINT HINT ALEXANDRIA ANNE!!!...
... CT ugly-cried her entire way through Okja, then promptly went back and rewatched it. Bong Joon Ho has outdone himself this time. What a gorgeous, gorgeous film...
...Little C also fell down the rabbit hole with the album Wooden Heart by Listener. It's a concept album of spoken word poetry based on The Neverending Story. And that is the nerdiest thing I've ever typed, which only makes me love it more. Really though it's lyrically hard hitting and honest. The songs are more referential to the novel than literal which makes them work on several different levels and I am obsessed...
... In a never-ending search for more crime novels/books, CT started the British show Shetland on Netflix. It's based on a set of books by Anne Cleeves that are favorites around these parts. The show takes several liberties with the books, but overall it's a great, tightly-wound crime show....
...Little C's cat Roxy required a bath this week. It's never a fun thing, Roxy makes these horrible noises like she's joined a Swedish Death Metal band but mostly she doesn't fight the process. Unfortunately, this time CT's cat Ron "Trouble" Weasley decided that Little C was hurting his friend (Note, Roxy has never shown Ron anything but open disdain but Ron holds eternal hope that she will change her mind) and the ginger Avenger jumped claws first onto Little C's leg. Little C almost dropped Roxy into the sink of water, Roxy desperately scrabbled for a hold and clawed the ever-loving shit out of her mom's arm. Owning cats never ceases to be an adventure...
... CT got herself a bright shiny new job! Details to come, but it's going to be yet another few weeks of transition, and you know how much we love change (hint: not at all. For bohemian artist-types we do not respond well to change in any way, shape, or form)...
Hope you're all having a great summer so far!
Little C & CT
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... CT ugly-cried her entire way through Okja, then promptly went back and rewatched it. Bong Joon Ho has outdone himself this time. What a gorgeous, gorgeous film...
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...Little C also fell down the rabbit hole with the album Wooden Heart by Listener. It's a concept album of spoken word poetry based on The Neverending Story. And that is the nerdiest thing I've ever typed, which only makes me love it more. Really though it's lyrically hard hitting and honest. The songs are more referential to the novel than literal which makes them work on several different levels and I am obsessed...
... In a never-ending search for more crime novels/books, CT started the British show Shetland on Netflix. It's based on a set of books by Anne Cleeves that are favorites around these parts. The show takes several liberties with the books, but overall it's a great, tightly-wound crime show....
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...Little C's cat Roxy required a bath this week. It's never a fun thing, Roxy makes these horrible noises like she's joined a Swedish Death Metal band but mostly she doesn't fight the process. Unfortunately, this time CT's cat Ron "Trouble" Weasley decided that Little C was hurting his friend (Note, Roxy has never shown Ron anything but open disdain but Ron holds eternal hope that she will change her mind) and the ginger Avenger jumped claws first onto Little C's leg. Little C almost dropped Roxy into the sink of water, Roxy desperately scrabbled for a hold and clawed the ever-loving shit out of her mom's arm. Owning cats never ceases to be an adventure...
... CT got herself a bright shiny new job! Details to come, but it's going to be yet another few weeks of transition, and you know how much we love change (hint: not at all. For bohemian artist-types we do not respond well to change in any way, shape, or form)...
Hope you're all having a great summer so far!
Little C & CT
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