Movie Crush Monday: CT & Snowpiercer

Every so often I like going to see a movie by myself. Don't get me wrong, most of the time I go with friends or Little C, but it feels like a treat sometimes to go by myself. This week, for Movie Crush Monday, we're going to talk about a movie I saw by myself and absolutely loved... 

Ooooooh readers, Snowpiercer was such a treat. 

Let's get to the elephant in the room first. This movie is weird. Really, genuinely weird. In a way that turned a lot of people off. But me? I was over the moon. 

Snowpiercer is Joon Ho Bong's first English-language film, and he has brought his very distinctive style to it. There are moments that are shockingly funny, and they serve to highlight the violence and cruelty in the rest of the film. It comes together to make a movie that is part satire, part sci-fi, part action/thriller. 

Besides the incalculably cool Tilda Swinton, the whole cast is made up of people Cait and I love. Luke Pasqualino, Allison Pill, Jamie Bell... It's just awesome actor after awesome actor. And they're all totally bought into the world, in the best possible way. 

As far as unique sci-fi set in an amazing world, it's just doesn't get much better than Snowpiercer. The visuals are stunning. They lit one scene totally be torchlight and it's so, so good. I would absolutely watch the whole thing on silent just to look at all the pretty. 

So if you haven't seen it, Snowpiercer is a hell of a ride. 

Happy watching!


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