Movie Crush Monday: Little C & Dogma
It's Monday readers, and I've actually managed to be productive. I credit the fact that it's so blazingly hot in Los Angeles right now that I'm afraid if I leave the house I will burst into flames. So I've holed up with some iced coffee and plowed my way through an ongoing project. But then CT reminded me that I have a Movie crush post due, and I remembered that historically I've not been great about getting these up in a timely manner. Sorry, readers. But today I want to follow the Batfleck from his disastrous relationships in Gone Girl to his time as an errant angel in Dogma.
This is a Kevin Smith movie, and as such people are either going to love it or hate everything about it. I have a hit or miss relationship with Mr. Smith's work but this is by far my favorite thing that he's done. The story of the last decedent (great great niece) of Jesus who gets pulled into the efforts to stop two angels from ending the world is funny and heartfelt and smart while still managing to have a lot of sex jokes. Basically it's my favorite type of wordy comedy. If anyone reading this is the person I lent my DVD of this movie to, I miss it and I would like it back now...
The cast of this movie is insane. Smith not only got his friends Ben Affleck and Matt Damon in on the fun, but Alan Rickman, Chris Rock, George Carlin, Selma Hayek, Jason Lee... And very briefly Alanis Morrissette. It's a weird collection of very talented people who make this movie work in both the dramatic and comedic scenes. It's tricky to tackle something like a loss of faith and not end up preaching to your audience, but Smith walks the line very well. It helps that any time the script has a particularly heavy scene, the next one slips in a well placed one liner to help even out the tone.
I know movies about religion in any sense can be tricky for some people, but I promise that despite what a lot of Catholics said about the movie when it first came out, the message of Dogma isn't anti-religious. It's more of a gentle reminder that there is a lot of humor to be found, even in the areas of our lives that we take as seriously as religion. If you're easily offended try to keep in mind that it's just a movie.
Happy watching,
Little C
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