CT: School Spirits Set Visit!
Happy Friday all!
Well, in two short days Little C and I will be on our way to Missouri to be on set of the movie we wrote! It's a bizarre, amazing, rollercoaster of emotions but mostly we're so darn excited to finally see everything come to life! So this week for my post, let's go on a short journey together:
Ok so first, just imagine for a second that you're a fourteen year old girl, and you've just decided that what you want to do when you grow up is write movies. Your insanely supportive family is 100% behind you and you're starting the first part of your film education. You spend the next *cough cough* many years learning about film, studying it in college, starting to write it for yourself, dreaming about the day when you'll be a "real screenwriter".
Then, when you graduate, you move to LA and start writing with your Little C. You two write your faces off, learning about TV writing and developing a love for that format. You get the opportunity to write a movie script, and even though it's waaaaay harder work than 14-year-old you thought, it's just as much fun as you'd always imagined. You two write the heck outta that movie, while working on your other projects, while working day jobs to feed your kitten. While still dreaming about the day that you'll finally be "a real screenwriter".
Then, almost out of left field, it sneaks up on you. The movie goes into production, and you get updates from a distance for a couple of weeks. And man is that surreal for you and Little C. Actors a thousand miles away are learning lines you wrote. They're getting to know characters that grew inside your head. There's a carnival being set up because you and Little C thought that would be a cool scene. But then it's (almost) here. The day that you and Little C get to fly out to set and watch it all up close.
That's where we are now, folks. Literally days from the realization of a life dream. Which, I get it, sounds sappy as all get out but it's one hundred percent true. We're packing our bags and heading out to Missouri to see all the action.
Now the important part here for you guys is how to keep up with us next week while we're on set. We're going to forego normal posts because it's going to be super busy. But, you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook, where we promise to chronicle all our on-set adventures (we're at @908south on Twitter and just 908 South on Facebook).
Plus we'll do a huge mega-post next week when we're back home to tell you all about it.
In the meantime, have a wonderful week everyone!!
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