Little C: Assorted Thoughts and Archer
Hey readers, Happy Wednesday! Christy told you a few weeks ago that our movie was getting made, and this week it finally went into production. It's not shooting in LA so we can't be on set every day which is really challenging our instincts (which are to hover over everything and micro manage ever aspect of the production). We are heading out to set in two weeks, so you should expect updates then but for the most part what we feel is incredibly blessed to have been a part of everything. Also the cast and crew should consider this fair warning, two weeks till you have both Kleppingers hovering like a pair of military choppers.
We also are hard at work editing the webseries we shot in January. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will have a better idea of when we will able to share it with you, but till then here is our poster designed by the incredibly talented Denna Madain.
We also are hard at work editing the webseries we shot in January. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will have a better idea of when we will able to share it with you, but till then here is our poster designed by the incredibly talented Denna Madain.
It's so cool it hurts me a little.
Enough of my self flogging, let's get down to the actual post:
It was a long damn weekend, dearest readers. And then CT and I spent yesterday outlining two different projects so by the time I got off work today I was mentally destroyed. So while Christy and Lex went off into the world to be carefree twenty-somethings I sat my ass firmly on the couch and started trolling for something on Netflix that would make me feel better.
Oh Netflix, you're the only one who understands...
And I'll let you all in on a not so serecret, for the days when nothing terrible has happened but also nothing has really gone right, I have a cure all. It involves a little Alkaline Trio on the way home (or nearly two hours of it since traffic decided today was the day that everyone needed to drive like blind people in the throws of a seizure) and a little whiskey and a little bit of the guy who never lets me down hard and always knows how to make me feel good.
I love Archer and all of it's over the top ridiculousness. I'm six episodes in to tonight's marathon and the weird stresses of the day are gone and even though I've seen all the episodes before I've laughed so hard my stomach hurts. Archer may be a terrible guy with probably every one of the STDs but dammit if he doesn't have the best comebacks and the weirdest adventures. And now I want an ocelot...
Can't wait till he meats Ron Weasly.
Happy Wednesday,
Little C
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