Little C: I'm Not So Good With Adulting

Readers, Tax season is upon us. As is my usual routine with this time of year, I waited till the last possible moment to do my taxes. And then Lex came home tonight to find me on the couch surrounded by cookies, cradling a glass of whiskey and watching cartoons while I filed my taxes. I am going kicking and screaming into actual adulthood.


Listen, I work a full time job. I have health insurance, I am in charge or anywhere from three to six college kids at work in any given day. I have the ability to be a responsible and active member of society. But then sometimes I find myself buying a skateboard with money that I won from a Sherlock Holmes themed slot machine. Yeah, that happened everyone. I skated to work today. Well I skated at least 20% of the way to work today because I'm still relearning how to skate. 

I know I sound like one of those "irresponsible millennials" who never step up to their responsibilities. But one of the consequences of being a creative type is that I can only handle so much time of dealing with obligations before I want to throw myself on the ground in a giant temper tantrum. And for the most part polite society really frowns on that. Unless you're part of a reality TV show, because then you get a spike in ratings. 

Or the captain of a star ship 

But I did get my taxes filed tonight. And I will be going to bed early tonight so I can get up at a respectable hour tomorrow and resume being a functional adult tomorrow. After  I skate 21% of the way to work. I'm slowly learning. 

Happy End of Tax Season,
Little C


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