Little C: A Small Gain and a Huge Loss
Readers, it's finally happened. After more than a year of waiting, the day has arrived. Blink 182 released their first song that they recorded with Matt Skiba.
I'm sensing some crickets from the audience (and CT) but screw all the doubters out there! One of my favorite bands added one of my favorite musicians to the lineup and delivered me my summer anthem.
I'm sensing some crickets from the audience (and CT) but screw all the doubters out there! One of my favorite bands added one of my favorite musicians to the lineup and delivered me my summer anthem.
It's just such a perfect melding of some old school Blink tones and some of the new styles that they have been sort of pointing towards for the last two albums. It's not got terribly deep lyrics but the breakdown has a clever turn with "I think I met her in the moment that the rhythm was set down/ I said I'm sorry I'm a bit of a letdown." I'm so excited for this album.
Especially considering that 2016 has been a real gut punch, musically speaking (Some would fairly say it's been a bitch). As I'm sure you can probably guess, I was a huge Prince fan. The man was a musical genius the likes of which we may never see again. I remember my guitar teacher many moons ago putting on a recording of a Prince guitar solo and leaning back with his eyes shut. Prince played with such perfectly articulated feeling that I still can't listen to any of his old stuff without closing my eyes for the solos. So as a small tribute I give you my favorite performance of His Royal Badness. I recommend you close your eyes for the solo.
CT and I are heading out to Missouri next week so we won't have full posts. I'll let CT explain the nitty gritty of it in her post but till next time readers.
Happy Listening,
Little C
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